Introducing our new Chair
As part of the evolution of Social Enterprise Australia, Belinda Morrissey will hand over the role of Board Chair to fellow Board member Alexie Seller.

Membership update
Verified social enterprises can apply to join Social Enterprise Australia as Voting Members, and any organisation or individual over 18 can apply to join as an Associate Member.

A new membership model
Since we launched in 2022, Social Enterprise Australia has worked with the sector to build a shared plan to unlock and grow the impact of social enterprise. We do this through consultation, co-design and coordination. Later this month, we will take the next big step in our evolution and embed this approach in our governance.

February newsletter
Social Enterprise Jobs Summit, refugee program is changing lives, webinar on neurodiversity in social enterprise.

January newsletter
Make Social Enterprise Business as Usual, learning communities, Theory of Change, new grant opportunities.

December newsletter
Save the date for the 2025 Social Enterprise Jobs Summit, learning communities, grants for jobs-focussed social enterprises.

New learning communities
We asked what is needed to contribute to collaborative knowledge, culture and capability-development of the social enterprise sector at this moment in time. The views of hundreds of people who responded have shaped four types of learning communities, commissioned as part of the Australian Government's Social Enterprise Development Initiative (SEDI).

WISE Hub submission
Jobs-focused or work integration social enterprises are proven to unlock sustainable employment outcomes for the most disadvantaged jobseekers, but systemic challenges have stifled their ability to scale. This submission to the Australian Government outlines how this can be addressed to unlock greater economic inclusion.

November newsletter
New guest speakers announced for First Nations open learning, update on Social Enterprise Australia governance and membership, spotlight on The Purpose Precinct.

The Purpose Precinct
Today on World Social Enterprise Day we celebrate the incredible work and impact of all social enterprises - transforming lives, rebuilding communities, ensuring no harm to the planet and creating an economy for all. We love this story that shows what's possible when social enterprises join together to grow and innovate...

October newsletter
Your views on Social Enterprise Australia governance, SXSW Sydney wrap-up, new social enterprise sector guide on Understorey.