January newsletter

As the year starts, world news has me inspired by those who continue to work towards a kinder and safer world and sad that this work is needed so much.

I’m grateful to work alongside the enterprises leading social and environmental care and innovation, and those that support and cheer them on.

I’m also jumping in the ocean more. It feels needed.

This newsletter is to share some of the things going on at Social Enterprise Australia and in the sector right now. I look forward to the year ahead with you.

Make Social Enterprise Business as Usual 

Every year, the Federal Government calls for submissions on what it should include in its next budget. In our 2025-26 Pre-Budget ask, Social Enterprise Australia is calling for three things that are needed to unlock the potential of social enterprise in Australia.

They are: 

  1. A national strategy, co-designed with the social enterprise sector.

  2. A national impact map and free online tool for social enterprises to measure and track their impact.

  3. Investment in social enterprise including an innovation fund; social enterprise procurement targets and inclusion in procurement platforms; expansion of the Economic Pathways to Refugee Integration program and the social enterprise Payment by Outcomes trial; and low-interest, flexible loans. 

To help build momentum for this ask, which started with a co-design and has been built on by sector networks, we are launching a campaign to Make Social Enterprise Business as Usual today.

You can add your voice by sharing the campaign on social media. How?

Download social assets from our website

  • Share on social media - either your company page or personal social media

  • Tag Social Enterprise Australia and colleagues, friends and organisations who are working to make social enterprise business as usual.

Join the campaign and read the full 2025-26 Pre-Budget ask here.

Learning communities 

We’re excited to share more about the incredible people and organisations who will be convening some of the sector’s learning communities in 2025.

Sefa Partnerships will bring its expertise in unlocking capital for regional social enterprises to a series of sessions with funders and regional entrepreneurs. The sessions are designed to break out of metro funding models and tackle barriers to funding regional social entrepreneurs.

Nathaniel Diong is driven by his love of start-ups and social entrepreneurship, and his experience as a Gen Z who felt like he didn’t fit in the world of social enterprise. Nathaniel and his team at Future Minds Network will be convening a learning community that brings together organisations and young people to create pathways for young people to become founders and leaders in social enterprise.

Learning communities are commissioned by Social Enterprise Australia as the Education and Mentoring Coordinator for the Australian Government’s Social Enterprise Development Initiative (SEDI), to build capability in the sector to grow social impact. For all things SEDI grants, get in touch with the Grants Administrator Impact Investing Australia.

Theory of Change

Social Enterprise Australia has refreshed its Theory of Change. Based on three open co-designs that mapped the sector’s vision and mission, principles and values, and the infrastructure we need to work together nationally, it sets out how and why Social Enterprise Australia works to support this.

More on social enterprise national strategy and our Theory of Change here.

New grant opportunities, and social enterprise in the news

2025 has started with new grant opportunities - and some fantastic profiling of social enterprise on national media. 

The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations WorkFoundation program will fund social enterprises and other businesses that assist people with complex barriers to work, and pay real wages. More information on the grants here.

The Australian Government is inviting organisations to apply for grants to support the social and economic participation of vulnerable and disadvantaged people in their communities - more information here.

AMP Foundation’s Spark program, delivered in partnership with Impact Boom, is open for 2025, to help social entrepreneurs grow their ideas and create positive social change. Applications close tomorrow.

Vanessa Brettell and Hannah Costello from Canberra social enterprise Stepping Stone, were recognised as Australian of the Year Local Heroes, and their work captured in this ABC News piece

In other national media:

  • Channel 7’s Sunrise shone a light on the work of social enterprise Thread Together which diverts new clothing destined for landfill and provides it to people experiencing hardship. 

  • Victorian Social Enterprise All Things Equal were recognised for their work at the Australian Open, and featured on Channel 9 news.

  • The Bread and Butter Project was featured on Channel 7 news.

  • Channel 9’s Helping Hands re-ran a panel discussion with Adam McCurdie, founder of Humanitix, Professor Kristy Muir, CEO of the Paul Ramsay Foundation, and myself, on what a social enterprise is.

As the federal grants and national media coverage show, interest in social enterprise continues to grow. These shifts have been driven by many over years. A shout out to all involved and to those who continue to drive this change.


Jess Moore,

CEO, Social Enterprise Australia


February newsletter


December newsletter