A new membership model

Since we launched in 2022, Social Enterprise Australia has worked with the sector to build a shared plan to unlock and grow the impact of social enterprise. We do this through consultation, co-design and coordination. 

Later this month, we will take the next big step in our evolution and embed this approach in our governance. To do this we will launch a new membership model. 

In line with our sector-led approach, our new membership model will reflect stakeholders’ views on, interests and likely participation in our work. While it cannot be what every person or organisation in our diverse sector wants, our open-invite survey had 383 respondents and gave clear high-level direction. 71% of respondents said they want social enterprises to be our voting members. Beyond voting, 42% said organisations of any kind and individuals should be able to have a voice at Social Enterprise Australia.

In line with these results, our Board has agreed the new membership model will be open to:

  • Social enterprises

  • Associates (other individuals and organisations)

Voting rights will be held by social enterprise members only. To ensure critical mass and diversity, voting rights will be triggered at an annual general meeting, once there are 350 members across states and territories, mission areas and lived experience. We expect this to be before the end of this year.

We plan to test, learn and evolve our membership model over time with the following aims:

  • Grow the breadth and depth of participation

  • Strengthen behaviours and processes to centre social and environmental justice, and to resolve any disagreement and navigate change productively

  • Strengthen the fabric of peaks and networks needed to drive big-picture shifts.

Many who responded to our governance survey also told us they want to see a membership model that allows social enterprises to apply to join Social Enterprise Australia and their relevant state or territory social enterprise peak/s at the same time. 

We’ve been exploring options to support this and will progress reciprocal membership arrangements with those that want to and are able to at this time. We’ll also continue to explore the potential for a united approach across all social enterprise peak bodies in Australia.


Jess Moore,

CEO, Social Enterprise Australia


Membership update


February newsletter