Social Enterprise Development Initiative: Education and mentoring
Education and mentoring
Social Enterprise Development Initiative (SEDI) education and mentoring will grow participation and capability in the Australian social enterprise sector. It will do this to help the social enterprise sector contribute to a better future.
Social Enterprise Australia is the SEDI Education and Mentoring Coordinator. It will:
Commission learning and peer mentoring communities
Curate leading practice materials, tools, or training modules, or commission new ones where gaps exist
Point to and bring these elements together in one site online – Understorey – and help people navigate the sector
Ensure sector need, ideas and input inform Understorey’s development. This will include rural and regional, First Nations, and culturally and linguistically marginalised voices
Understorey will host, point to, and integrate with a range of quality resources about social enterprise.
Social Enterprise Australia will not re-invent what exists and works well to meet sector needs. It will identify and fill key gaps.